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All About Amey Rothman

Meditation Teacher


Many moments in my life lead to stress and like many people I didn't know how to move beyond all that stress. Stress about being anxious, fearful, stressed about money and the future and sleepless nights.  So I sought counseling and that is where I was introduced to meditation, I Loved it! It showed me that there was a better way to live life and I started to practice it and I started to feel a shift in my life and I started to feel peace enter my life. I wanted more.

I started to read more about meditation and then listened to a free 21-day meditation online and that  is where I heard this amazing voice with such wise words. I knew that I needed more, more information so I could move from fear to Peace, from overwhelm to Ease, from being anxious to being Patient, from not trusting to Trust, and from anger to Love.   That amazing voice with wise words became my teacher, davidji.

I received my certification in Masters of Wisdom and Meditation in 2015  and then went deeper, over 500 hours of training, to receive my Advanced Teacher Meditation certificate from the davidji Meditation Academy.  During the 3 years before being certified in meditation, I received my masters in Usui Reiki and then traveled to Peru and received the Munay-ki rites from a shaman, Diane Dunn.

The benefits from all of these beautiful practices have enriched my life and have helped me Move Beyond Stress and become more patient, less anxious, able to deal with great loss, be more present with others and open my heart to all that life has to offer.

About: About Me
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